Wednesday, February 17, 2010

encouraging words from joy rebel herself..

This is a post from one of my very fav bloggers: joy rebel. She begins each week with mission monday. This past mission monday was about encouragement... which we all need from time to time. I just love how honest she is...

"Confession time. When I first started trying to create stuff and then sell them, I often withheld encouragement and support for other artists. I viewed them as a threat and I was jealous of any success they had because I wanted that success. I felt my product wasn't good enough and that my opportunities were limited so I certainly didn't want to encourage anyone else to succeed.

Not pretty but there it is.

I was insecure and basically, the only way I have built confidence is through practice.

When it comes to creating and putting what I create out into the world...good grief. I've had a lot of practice.

And I'm still learning.

One thing a whole lot of practice has given me though, is an understanding of what's important.
And viewing others as competition or threats feels like crap. I don't like feeling like crap.

So I had a little talk with myself and decided to let go of this idea that the world is limited and that others will 'take' from me if they succeed. And then I re-learned that lesson another hundred times or so before it sunk in.

I share this because I've been thinking about my own dreams and creative ambitions and know that plenty of readers out there may have creative aspirations and maybe they are feeling a little of those yucky insecurities I was feeling.

And I wanted to share the encouragement that I received once I screwed up the courage to ask. It's true that there's nothing new under the sun but we all see the same things through different lenses so our expressions of what we see are as unique as snowflakes.

When that uniqueness is shared-whether it be through selling your art or giving away to your mom or hanging on your wall-our world is richer. I love a rich world like I love a rich chocolate cake.

So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to practice encouragement...especially to yourself.

Some ideas for practicing encouragement:
-share an etsy shop of an independent artist that you like with friends. Like *cough* joy rebel images *cough* ;-)
-trace a heart on your mirror for a little pick me up the next time you take a shower.
-wear those red shoes if you feel like it.
-send an email to someone and let them know how much they mean to you.
-ask those questions you've been meaning to ask.

And...what else? I would love to know how you encourage yourself or others.

I plan on this week being all about encouragement, both here and on twitter. Please stay tuned...

Happy missioning joy rebels!

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