11.for the little girl who loves to screech just to hear it echo in the back yard
12.for the ducks who think the bird seed is put out for them
13.for the elderly neighbors next door who are replanting their yard for the third time
14.for the family that lives down the street and have yet to put ANYthing into their back yard..not even a patio or a deck
15.for the sweet little girls next door who no longer have a Dad
16.for a husband who works too hard and still finds time to take care or the ones he loves
17.for kitties that eat too much ... then toss their cookies on the carpet
18.for the breeze that knocks the blinds in and out in and out in and out
19.for the plane up above taking people to and/or from vacations, work, their families and home
20.for Ann (with no fancy e at the end) who inspires me every time she posts a blog

echo watching the rain
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