Hers is a must read... but I love this realization:
"“God doesn’t ask me to be perfect; He asks me to praise.”
I love love love that. Now if I can just remember it!
Oh and this just expounds her thoughts:
"I simply need have a grateful heart to give Him glory.
Gratitude in all things is the only thing God asks.
Can I take each seeming problem and turn it back to praise?
That alone is the one thing that is needful."
Gratitude in all things is the only thing God asks.
Can I take each seeming problem and turn it back to praise?
That alone is the one thing that is needful."
6. waking up to the birds tweeting their 'good morning'
7. sleeping with the windows open
8. getting dirty hands while planting flowers and herbs
9. for the doctors and nurses caring for Chris
10. for warm mornings
I love that quote! and the photos...one of the great things I like about photography...a way to visually capture all the gratitude in life.